Donald Trump and Me

Donald Trump and Me


So, you think you know Donald Trump? The outrageous showman, vainglorious TV media host and first President to be appointed without any political or military experience. Yes, that Donald Trump.

Jim G. Sitch’s diaries, compiled over four long years of the Donald Trump presidency, are hypnotic and scary throughout and a timely reminder of ‘what has been’ and what could well be again. President Trump was a self-taught ruler who, during his time in power, demonstrated his leadership capabilities by trying to tarnish the reputation of a dying American war hero, throwing paper towels at hurricane survivors and provoking Denmark to make Greenland a National Security Priority due to the President trying to buy it. Once you’ve read these diaries, which detail just what it was like to live under Donald Trump’s rule, you’ll seriously question whether there can ever again be another President like Donald Trump.

About the Author

Jim G. Sitch is an artist, poet and sometime diarist living in Middlesex, England. He is married and has a son. Jim has been creating visual artwork and poetry since the early 1980s and has exhibited his artwork at several prestigious shows. Jim has released four poetry booklets and his poems have been published in a number of journals. This diary compilation is Jim’s first and he says, ‘if this experience is anything to go by’, probably the last.