Sugar Upon My Lemons: a testament to love and loss during the pandemic

Sugar Upon My Lemons: a testament to love and loss during the pandemic


This book should be read by anyone who will enjoy and also be deeply moved by an enthralling true story of a love affair tragically cut short.

‘Sugar Upon My Lemons’ is a heart-warming account of courtship, love, marriage and loss.

The book also explores the human capacity for growth despite grief. The reader is invited to reflect upon how change and pain can be survived and worked through.

Ultimately, it’s a book of hope that offers a way forward for the future. It is an honest, thought-provoking and engaging page-turner.

About the Author

Maria Conyers has worked for thirty-five years within the NHS and private sector as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist. She has lectured and written internationally on aspects of loss, trauma and adjustment. She is also a member of the Society of Women Writers and Journalists.