Not for Human Consumption

Not for Human Consumption


This story will not just grab you. It will get you by the throat and chuck you down the staircase.
An authentic portrayal of life on the streets. A struggle for survival. Triumph over adversity and prejudice, against incredible odds
Living in a brutal and savage world with minds destroyed by psychosis and addiction. You could be killed or maimed for the price of a drink.
But even in the cruellest of places you can find love, hope and friendship. Danny was that beacon of light in Magda’s dark and violent existence of criminals and misfits, who slept on the cold hard pavements at night.
Could he save her from the gates of insanity or death? Perhaps she could only save herself.

About the Author

Craig Watson has moved around quite a lot in his life, has had a variety of jobs and is now settled in the city of Canterbury.